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gas turbine powered中文是什么意思

用"gas turbine powered"造句"gas turbine powered"怎么读"gas turbine powered" in a sentence


  • 燃气轮机驱动的


  • Codag combined diesel engines and gas turbine power plant
  • Gas turbine power generation technology aimed for sustainable development
  • Application of mechanical draft cooling towers on a gas turbine power plant
  • The pre - evaluation on labour - hygiene during trial production period of gas turbine power co
  • The methods of physical testing and chemical analysis are introduced for quality inspection on thermal barrier coats of the high temperature parts used in gas turbine power station
  • Current ge energy activities in china include gas turbine power plant construction , hydro , oil and gas and renewable energy projects as well as preparing for the 2008 beijing olympics
  • This article demonstrates the changing trends and reasons of the fuel oil prices in international and domestic markets , makes an in - depth analysis on how the changes of the fuel oil prices impact on the gas turbine power plants , and provides policy and operational recommendations on the development and way out for the gas turbine power plants
  • This essay , which researches into huaneng chongqing gas turbine power plant ( 108 . 25mw ) as its object of study , carries out calculations on the variable rated performance of the steam - gas turbine combined operation , utilizing an integrated method of theoretic analytics and artificial neural net . a set of software system applicable to monitoring of plant performance has been developed based on the calculations , which is used to raise the efficiency of a combined cycle plant to achieve largest possible economic profit
    本文以华能重庆燃机电厂( 108 . 25mw )为研究对象,应用理论分析和人工神经网络相结合方法,对蒸汽- -燃气轮机联合循环进行变工况性能计算,并以此为基础开发出一套适用于工况监测的软件系统,以提高联合循环电站的营运水平,获取最大经济效益。
用"gas turbine powered"造句  
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